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  George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799), the United States outstanding bourgeois politicians, military strategists, revolutionaries, the founding fathers of the United States, the father, the first president.

  1775 to 1783 American War of Independence when the Continental Army (Continental Army) commander in chief, 1787 presided over the Constituent Assembly. The meeting developed the current US Constitution. In 1789, he became the first president of the United States (which became the first president of the world to be the "president"), and in the successive elections, Have won all the electoral groups without objection support, has served as president until 1797. He has set up many policies and traditions that have continued into today's term. At the end of his two terms, he voluntarily waived his power to no longer seek to succeed.

  Washington, as the most important role in the American War of Independence and the founding of the country, was known as the "father of the United States", also known as "the father of the United States." The scholars tied him to Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt as the greatest president in American history. George Washington was rated by the American authoritative journal "Atlantic Monthly" as the second of the 100 characters in the United States.


  Build the United States

  From 1775 to 1781, Washington led the army to fight the mighty British army. In this war of independence, Washington chose the right strategy, as the Roman general Fabius Maximus (Fabius Maximus) in the second Punic War strategy (Fabry strategy), continued to delay the enemy Will be able to make the British as Hannibal then, "attacked the door" but "no door into the door." Soon the British will understand that continuing to fight is just a waste of resources, they can only pursue the US military melee, but can not completely capture the main US military.

  At the same time, Washington took the opportunity to attack. In 1776 he regained Boston in 1776, despite his defeat in the subsequent battle of New York and the battle of Long Island, but he persevered in the struggle, and at the end of 1776 and early 1777, Terenton and Princeton were Victory. In October 1777, under his command of Horatio Gates and Benedictine Arnold led the North American Army in Saratoga to Bai Gao Ying led the 5000 British soldiers surrounded and captured the United States, the war of independence. Finally, in 1781, Washington personally led the army to Kang Weili (also translated Charles Convorius) generals of the British forces around the town of York. Under the attack of the United States and France, in October 1781, General Kang Wally and 7,000 British troops surrendered to the US military. The victory was the most glorious moment in Washington's career, and the end of the war on the North American battlefield - the North American people won the final victory.

  The victory on the battlefield accelerated the independence of the United States, such as the recovery of Boston to promote the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. But Washington is not just a war of war. He is well aware that the war will win through diplomatic channels, rather than relying on the soldiers. York town after the victory over two years, after diplomatic negotiations, the United Kingdom finally admitted that the United States independent, meritorious Washington choose to retreat.

  However, the newborn American faces many difficulties. As a confederation country, the United States of America is only a loose alliance of 13 states. 176 years of Xie Division uprising finally shook the ruling group, they invariably recognize the need to strengthen the central power and urgency. In this way, in Washington in 1787, again, as the chairman of the Constituent Assembly presided over the development of the "Federal Constitution", established a real national government, after the "Confederation" under the loose alliance has finally become a veritable country.

  Create a regime

  Set up cabinet

  In 1789, Washington's outstanding merit made him elected as the first president of the United States. April 30, Washington in the United States was the temporary capital of New York sworn in. After eight years of war and eight years of political turmoil in the United States, the problem is difficult, and the federal government must create its own institutions. Washington has made the liberal and conservative in the cabinet to maintain a balance, so that the various regions of the country, the interests of political groups in the government can be a balanced reflection.

  In the cabinet, Washington relies heavily on the talented, savvy Hamilton. Hamilton actively boldly proposed a series of ambitious plans to restore the economy, develop industry and trade, and stabilize credit. In Washington, the support and intervention were put into practice: the sinking fund law, the federal government to repay the wartime public and private debt; banking law, in accordance with the British Bank of England as a model in the United States to establish a national Bank of the United States to consolidate the country Credit, stable currency, active national economy. As well as domestic tax law, cast silk and tons of tax laws and so on. He also established the presidential veto system in his first term, perfecting the presidential system.

  Washington's first term is calm and remarkable. He established the government agencies of the United States of America, and the government was on track and made great achievements. In Washington, when he entered his second term, the Cabinet disagreed, the party was intensified, and Jefferson and Hamilton, the main members of the cabinet, made resignations.

  Perfect justice

  During the first term in Washington, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, which were known as the Bill of Rights, were approved. According to the judicial law of 1789, the third department of the US government, the Supreme Court, was established, and New York State conservative John Jay was appointed Chief Justice in Washington.

  As the first president, Washington appointed almost all Supreme Court judges, the same number was only served by as long as four (1933 - 1945) Roosevelt had arrived. In this way, the formation of the Supreme Court, coupled with the birth of the first Congress, the US federal republic was really established.

  In Washington, some states joined the federation, so that the federal system was promoted. The state was joined by North Carolina (1789); Rhode Island (1790); Vermont (1791); Kentucky (1792); Tennessee (1796).

  foreign policy

  In 1793 April, Britain and France to open the war, Washington adopted a neutral policy, which was attacked by kinship, pro-law leader Jefferson resigned from the duties of the Secretary of State. Washington's neutrality policy is not only resentful of dissatisfaction with France, but also by the British challenge. The US-ROK relations have deteriorated sharply, and Congress has made preparations for war, while Washington's goal is to avoid a war with Britain. In April 1794, Washington, the main member of the pro-British faction, the Supreme Court Chief Justice John Jay as envoy, went to Britain to negotiate. In November the same year, signed the "Jay Treaty". "Jay Treaty" to ease the US-British relations, the preservation of peace, to ensure the integrity of the western United States territory, and laid the foundation for the expansion of the United States to the west. In addition, he also signed a declaration, declared "strict neutrality" policy, so as to avoid the United States involved in the European war.

  Sign the bill

  The signing of the Judiciary Act of 1789, also known as the Constitution of 1789, is a law establishing the federal court and the Supreme Court system.

  Signed the Indian Intercourse Acts, which stipulated that the Great Plains of Nebraska was land for the Indians and entered into force in 1790.

  Signed the "Residence Act of 1790", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a temporary capital of the federal government.

  Signed the Bank Act of 1791, issued a permit to the North American bank, making it the first modern private commercial bank.

  Signed the "Coinage Act of 1792", which stipulates the American coin coinage standard.

  Signed the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 to mediate legal disputes between the two states of Pennsylvania and Virginia for a kidnapping case.

  Signed the Naval Act of 1794, founded the US Navy.

  Signed the Land Act of 1796, which was completed at the last minute of his tenure.

  Peaceful transfer

  In his second term, Washington will no longer accept the request of him as the third president. On September 17, 1796, Washington published his famous "farewell words", summed up his political experience of his life, and made wise and earnest advice to his compatriots. He called on the whole country to maintain unity, cherish the federal, abide by federal law, obey the election results. He opposed the will of a party to replace the will of the country, he warned that the party struggle will lead to the pision of the country. He warned his fellow citizens to be free and friendly with all the nations, and treat all nations with upright and impartial feelings. He firmly stated that our "real policy is to avoid a permanent alliance with any part of the foreign world, and that the trust can only be temporarily aligned to cope with the particularly urgent situation." These warnings of Washington, and later became the rulers of the United States Policy on the pursuit of the standard, the subsequent political life of the United States has a very significant impact.

  On March 4, 1797, Washington handed over power to his successor, John Adams, to create an example of the supreme power of peaceful transfer in this new kingdom, which was followed by successive presidents. He chose to give peace to the presidency to John Adams. Opened the presidency of the President of the United States generally no more than two sessions. Washington has set a lot of precedents for the future of the United States, and the president's no more than two precedents are seen as a very important influence on Washington.

  It is fortunate that the United States has a man of both virtue and integrity in Washington as the first president. Looking at the history of the countries of South America and Africa, we can see that even a new country with a democratic constitution at the beginning, it is easy to fall into a military authoritarian state. Washington is a firm leader who maintains the unity of the state, but he does not have the ambition to dominate the regime forever, neither the king nor the dictator. He pioneered the initiative to give power - a precedent that the United States still pursues.





















